
EGrammar Unit 25 Can, Could, and be able to

We use "can" to say that something is possible or that somebody has the ability to do something 何かが可能なことを言う時、誰かが何かを出来るときとかに[can]を使います。"be able to" is possible instead of "can", but "can" is more usual. But …

EGrammar - Unit 24 When I do / When I've done When and if

What time will you phone me tomorrow? I'll call you when I get home from work. "I'll call you when I get home from work" is a sentence with two parts: the main part: I'll call you the when part: when I get home from work (tomorrow) The tim…

EGrammar Unit 23 - Will be doing and will have done

Kevin loves footbal and tonight there is a big footbal game on TV. The game begins at 7:30 and ends at 9:15. Paul wants to seee Kevin tonight and wants to know what time to come over.Paul: Is it all right if I come at about 8:30? Kevin: No…

EGrammar Unit 22 - I will and I'm going to

Future actions: Study the difference between "will" and "going to" 二つの未来形willとgoing toについてまとめましょう。will: We use will when we decide to do something at the time of speaking. The speaker has not decided before. going to: We…

EGrammar Unit 21 will(2)

We do not use "will" to say what somebody has already arranged or decided to do in the future.But often, when we talk about the future, we are not talking about what somebody has decided to do. When we predict a future happening or situati…

EGrammar Unit 20 - Will (1)

We use "I'll" when we decide to do something at the time of speaking. 今回は「will」これは話している時に何かをすることに決めた場合に使います。 決断した時のwill Oh I left the door open. I'll go and shut it. (not "I go and shut it") "Did you…

EGrammar 18 Present Tenses (I am doing / I do)with a Future Meaning

ちょっと久しぶりのスタバ。#17のタイムスタンプを見たら2/10だったのでおよそ5日ぶり。今日は2/15。しばらくアップロードしてない気がするので、#18のアップロードはいつになるんだろう。(*2/24になりました。)今日は マーブルモカマキアート。多分バレンタ…

EGrammar Unit 17 Used to (do)

今日はCafe mocha.とかいたまま放置しちゃってた。あらためて、今日(2/10)はフラペチーノのバニラビーンズ。4日ぶり、かな。と言いつつ、アップするのは2/21だったり。 EX) David quit jogging two years ago. He doesn't jog anymore. But he used to jog. …

EGrammar Unit 16 - Have and have got

We can use "have got" rather than "have" alone. "Have" and "have got" means possess, own, etc. 多くの場合、haveを単体で使うよりも、have gotの形を使います。have gotは現在完了形では無いことに、注意。

EGrammar Unit 15 had been doing

Ex) Yesterday morning I got up and looked out the window. Thw sun was shining, but the ground was very wet. It had been raining. I was very tired when I got home. I had been working hard today. We had been playing for half an hour whem it …

ジェレミーの英会話教室 第8回目くらい。

今日は現在完了形をメインに。 present perfect Ex) I have done this month. Today is almost end of this month, but we use "present perfect". I did last month. I have drunk two cops of coffee so far today. "so far today" means until now from b…

Unit 14 - Past Perfect (I had done)

had + past participleで過去完了形を作ります。 Sometimes we talk about something that happened in the past: Sarah got to the party. This is the starting point of the story. THen, if we want to talk about things that happened before this tim…


最近の英語勉強先として、ポッドキャスト、英文法書、論文のサマライズ、ジェレミーの英会話教室、テレビ見たり何とか。あと、停滞してるものとして、Duoと、4つの定義。英文法書としては、「Grammar in Use Intermediate with Answers with Audio CD: Self…

EGrammar Unit13 - Present Perfect and Past (I have done and I did)

現在完了形と過去形、両方使える場合 It is often possible to use the present perfect or the simple past. 現在完了形と過去形、どちらでもよい場合は結構あるのです。たとえば次の文は過去形でも現在完了系でもどちらでもかまわないです。 I have lost m…

EGrammar Unit12 - For and since, When ...?, and How long ...?

for / since forとsinceには次のような違いがあります。 for : a period of time (時間の長さ) since : the start of a period (始めたとき) 例文 Kelly has been working here for six months. I haven't seen Tom for three days. Kelly has been working …

EGrammar Unit 11 - How long have you (been) ... ?


EGrammar Unit 10 - Present Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Simple

比べてみよう、現在完了進行形と現在完了形。 Present perfect continuous / 現在完了進行形 We are interested in the activity. It does not matter whether something has been finished or not. 動作に注目する時には、現在完了進行形を使います。この場…

EGrammar Unit 9 - Present Perfect Continuous

現在完了進行形 現在完了進行形の使い方 (1) 基本的には。 We use the present perfect continuous for an activity that has recently stopped or just stopped. There is a connection with now. 基本的には、最近終わった、とか、ちょうど終わった所、と…

EGrammar Unit 8 - Present Perfect (2)

現在完了形の使い方(2)過去から現在にかけての事。 When we talk about a period of time that continues from the past until now, we use the present perfect. (recently / in the last few days / so far/ since break fast, etc) Ex) Have you ever eat…

EGrammar Unit 7 - Present perfect (1) 現在に影響を及ぼす過去のこと。とか。

現在完了形の使い方。 The present perfect is "have/has + past participle". The past participle often ends in -ed, but many important verbs are irregular.We often use the present perfect to give new information or to announce a recent happen…

英文エッセー 1.6

1.6 Check List for Revising Paragraphs パラグラフを見直すときのポイント。つながり・展開・まとまり (coherence, development, unity)一章のまとめ。今までのエントリはこちらです。 1.1 : id:allegro:20060114:1137280998 1.2, 1.3: id:allegro:2006011…

英文エッセー 1.4

1.4 Basic Paragraph Forms id:allegro:20060118:1137609357の続きです。パラグラフはキーセンテンスを中心に(1.2)、適切なディーティルを使って(1.3),適切な論述形式で展開する事が大事*1。主な論述形式としてあげられているのは次の7種類。 Narration Pro…

英文エッセー 1.5

1.5. Transitional Devices パラグラフにまとまりを持たせるには、文章の移行手段を適切に用いる事が重要となる。 Pronoun Key Word Repetition Transitional Expressions Parallel Structure Repetition / Parallel Structure 代名詞の効果的な使用、キーワ…

英文エッセー 1.2 & 1.3

id:allegro:20060114:1137280998の続きです。今回はパラグラフの展開の仕方について。パラグラフは中心となるトピックセンテンス(1.2)とそれを説明する文章(1.3)からなる。なんか論文長な文章になってしまった。 1.2 Positioning the Topic Sentence トピッ…

DUO 1-10

はてなDUOに参加したので、DUOも始める。DUOはやはり一年以上前にCDとセットで買ったものでバージョン3.0。とりあえず、10文ずつ始めてみようと思う。各10回ずつ読む。 We must respect the will of the individual. Take it easy. I can assure you that ev…

英文エッセー 1.1

第一章 パラグラフ 英文ではパラグラフが大事。こっちの教育を見ていると「〜の書き方」という授業が非常に多い。80年代ころから人的資源を有効に使うためにマニュアルとかそうしたものを整備し始めた、と聞いた事があけど、そうした事と関係しているのかな…



EGrammar Unit. 6

過去進行形 / Past Continuous (I was doing) We use the past continuous to say that somebody was in the middle of doing something at a certain time. The action or situation had already started before this time but had not finished. ある時点…

EGrammar Unit 5

過去形 / Simple past We often the simple past ends in -ed (regular verbs). But many verbs are irregular. This means that the simple past does not end in -ed. The hotel wasn't very expensive. It did not cost very much. この文がいまいちよく…

EGrammar Unit 4

現在形と現在進行形のまとめ(2) actionやhappeningじゃない動詞は現在進行形では使わない。中には意味によっては使えるものもある。 現在進行形にしない動詞 like love hate want need prefer know realize suppose mean understand beieve remember belong …