
Oh really?

    • Situation Practice 1)

I bourght new car yesterday.
Oh really?

    • Situation Practice 2)

I heard going to be bad tomorrow.
Oh really?

    • Conversation Practice

A) I bought new car yesterday.
B) Oh really? What kind of the car is it?
A) It's a sports car.

That's too bad.

    • Situation practice 1)

A) I have a very bad cold.
B) That's too bad!

    • Situation practice 2)

A) I can't go to your party tomorrow.
B) That's too bad!

    • Conversation Practice

A) I have a very bad cold.
B) Oh That's too bad! I hope you feel better soon.
A) Thank you, I hope so, too..

Talk to you later. I can't help it.

  • Talk to you later.
    • また後でね。
  • I can't help it.
    • どうしようもないね。

Talk to you later.って聞いた事無いなぁ。うむ。まぁ、練習練習。I can't help it.は使う機会があるかしら。使われる機会は避けたいな。